Holy Guacamole!

The name guacamole literally translates from the Spanish word for avocado sauce.  The biggest challenge with making a great guacamole is ensuring your avocados are ripe and keeping them from turning brown.

Choose a ripe avocado by making sure the skin is dark green to nearly black. Feel the avocado as well. It should have skin with a bumpy texture that isn’t mushy when you squeeze it. If you’re planning in advance and want to ripen the avocado over a few days, choose avocados that are dark green and still somewhat firm. After a day or two at room temperature, these avocados will be ripe and ready for you to enjoy!

To keep a cut avocado from turning brown, brush a little lemon or lime juice across the flesh and seal it in an airtight container for later use. This should delay the browning process for about a day. Using lime juice in your guacamole will also help keep it from browning when you’re serving. But hopefully your guests will gobble it up before it has a chance.

Everyone has a unique approach to making their favorite guacamole. I like to spice mine up with Tabasco sauce and Chipotle Chili powder, then I brighten it up with fresh Cilantro and lime juice. There are so many ingredients you can add depending on your favorite flavors, try different things, from diced tomatoes, to peppers, even sour cream or cheese.  

You’re gonna love it!

Prep Time:

20 Minutes


4 People

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 2 Ripe Avocados

  • 1 Tablespoon fresh Cilantro

  • Pinch of Kosher Salt

  • Pinch of Course Black Pepper

  • Pinch of Chipotle Powder

  • 3-4 dashes of Tabasco Sauce

Recipe Steps:

Remove skin and seed from avocados.

Gently mash avocado flesh with a fork until it’s the texture you desire (less mashing for chunkier texture).

Combine remaining ingredients then taste. Add more spice, seasoning, or Cilantro as desired.

Optional additions: diced grape tomatoes, cheese, sour cream, red onion.

Serve with your favorite Tortilla Chips.